Thursday 29 December 2016

Born that way? Not according to settled science.

The LGBTI (etc) lobby would have us believe that we should make life easier for them and accept their behaviour as absolutely normal, even that we should stop viewing heterosexuality as the norm.  This is just silly, the definition of "norm" is something (such as a behavior or way of doing something) that is usual or expected and statistics clearly show that the usual or expected sexuality for humans is heterosexual.

But even sillier is that one main reason that is put forward for accepting this behaviour is that the people involved were "born that way".  A scientific study of the evidence for this reveals that there is no basis for this belief.  While many reports are quoted as having shown that gender dysfunctional individuals are that way by nature ("born that way"), careful analysis of those reports shows that they all fall apart.

These reports all have one or more failings along the lines of:

  • Biased selection (respondents to web articles that have appeal to a small section of the community, etc);
  • Insignificant statistics (extremely small samples)
  • Erroneous data analysis
  • And others
A scientific study of studies is reported in The New Atlantis, "Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences", lead writer  Lawrence S. Mayer, The New Atlantis, Number 50, Fall 2016, pp. 4-6.

Does it Matter?

Does it matter what we do about gender confusion in individuals?  Isn't it easier to just do whatever makes it comfortable for confused people to be happy?

Yes, it's easier.  But is that the best thing to do?  What if making life easy now leads that person into depression and possibly suicide later in life?  What if making life easier for this person makes life harder for others?

The American College of Pediatricians has published an article Gender Ideology Harms Children wherein they explain their studied position on how tampering with the physical process of growing interferes with the mental development of children.  Specifically, in their conclusion, they state "Our opponents advocate a new scientifically baseless standard of care for children with a psychological condition (GD) that would otherwise resolve after puberty for the vast majority of patients concerned." [my emphasis]

The statement includes references for further reading.